Better understand to better manage

drapeau français

This outdoor laboratory plans to acquire reliable data on urban wet weather effluents on their impact on receiving water, in order to provide results, knowledge, and methodologies to assess the sustainability of urban water system and to propose some support for operational decision making.

FLASH ! New OTHU experimental measuring station:
3D animation

A research teams Federation

9 Universities and Engineering Schools
12 Research Laboratories, 90 Researchers (20 PhD being in 2015)
Operational partners: Urban Community of Lyon,
Water Agency, Ministries of Equipment, Ecology and Research; Auvergne Rhone-Alps Region , labex IMU

A long term and multidisciplinary approach

Climatology, Hydrology, Hydraulics, Soil science, Chemistry, Biology, Microbiology, Hydrobiology, Social science, Economy

Research actions linked to end-users needs

- Hydraulic and pollutants loads in urban catchments during dry and wet weather
- Impact of discharges on soils, waterbodies & aquifers
- Interaction between urban and rural areas
- Development of strategies for sustainable urban water management

An original instrument of observation

based on long term monitoring systems, with on-line monitoring sensors and samplers, dedicated to the global assessment of rainfall impact
5 experimental catchments in Lyon agglomeration, representative of : Urban and peri-urban areas, Combined and separate sewers systems, CSOs, retention and infiltration tanks, BMPs
- Impacts on small periurban watercourses and aquifers.

A strong effort devoted to results dissemination

- Web site
- Technical sessions for operators (technicians & decision-makers)
- Scientifc international workshops
- Periodic meetings between OTHU researchers
- Scientific and technical publications

For information, over 50 million data with unique sensors, doubled or tripled (to allow validation) are acquired within the OTHU in less than 4 years (2009-2012). Over 10 million data is acquired and validated annually since 2011.

The OTHU,based on the city of Lyon, is working with other French observatories (URBIS network). It is also the support of many international collaborations also. See page Partenaires page.